Antrim County Soil Erosion Control
Antrim Conservation District is the permitting agency for soil erosion control in Antrim County until December 31, 2024. As of January 1, 2025 the program will transfer to the Antrim County Building Department, please call 231-533-8373 for assistance.
All counties in Michigan are legally required to maintain soil erosion programs (per Part 91 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994). The purpose of the Soil Erosion Control Program at ACD is to protect the soil and water quality of Antrim County. Throughout qualified construction projects, landowners and contractors work with a soil erosion officer to ensure that proper measures are taken to protect the soil and water.
A soil erosion permit is required when there will be earth work or grade changes within 500 feet of a waterway, or for any project larger than one acre in size (regardless of distance to water).
The proposed construction site will be inspected and plans will be reviewed before a permit is issued. During construction, the soil erosion program will monitor Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control (SESC) measures. Preventing sediment from moving off-site and preventing on-site erosion protects nearby waters and adjacent properties.
All counties in Michigan are legally required to maintain soil erosion programs (per Part 91 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994). The purpose of the Soil Erosion Control Program at ACD is to protect the soil and water quality of Antrim County. Throughout qualified construction projects, landowners and contractors work with a soil erosion officer to ensure that proper measures are taken to protect the soil and water.
A soil erosion permit is required when there will be earth work or grade changes within 500 feet of a waterway, or for any project larger than one acre in size (regardless of distance to water).
The proposed construction site will be inspected and plans will be reviewed before a permit is issued. During construction, the soil erosion program will monitor Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control (SESC) measures. Preventing sediment from moving off-site and preventing on-site erosion protects nearby waters and adjacent properties.
Part 17 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation ControlClick link above to view full state law.
Part 91 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation ControlClick link above to view full state law.
Antrim County Soil Erosion Sedimentation and Stormwater Runoff Control OrdinanceClick link above to view full ordinance.
Antrim County Soil Erosion Officer:
Office Phone: Cell Phone: Email: |